Our Corporate clients’ HR teams desired to contribute to the employees performance levels and job satisfaction. Our programs add a unique element to employee engagement, striking a chord with both the HR team and the employees by supporting them within a non-professional and yet intimate and important area of their life. These programs have made a significant contribution towards the ‘Best Places to Work’ rankings these organizations received.

Every employee and their family matters

Employee Engagement Options
Parwarish Super Star Program

Super Star Program for Year 2022

  • 18th & 25th June, Saturdays, 10:30 - 1pm
  • 24th & 31st July, Sundays, 10:30 - 1pm
  • 27th Aug & 3rd Sep, Saturday,10:30 - 1pm
  • 19th & 16th oct, Sunday, 10:30 - 1pm
  • 19th & 26th Nov, 10:30 - 1pm
DANGEROUS Levels of Stress in Corporate world

Four major Indian cities are ranking within 100 cities on Global Work Life Balance Index (ARCADIS)

Stress Management- An Overview :
Stress Management- An Overview :


Team Members

Major Clients - Corporates
Events For You

My Superstar Child Program

16th Sep - 23rd Sep
21st Oct - 28th Oct
18th Nov - 25th Nov
9th Dec - 16th Dec

NLCP Programs

No Limit Child Program (NLCP)

13th June to 12th Aug
19th Aug to 14th Oct
17th Oct to 23rd Dec

Screen Time Challenge

Screen Time Challenge

23rd Nov - 21st Dec

Goal discovery Program

Goal Discovery Program

18th Aug & 26th Aug

31st Aug to 2nd Nov

Disclaimer : We ensure complete confidentiality of our participants. The names, age, contact details or any other personal information is neither shared nor discussed outside the company, which could lead to any identification of the participants, without the written permission of the participants.
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