Because children acquire the abilities to become responsible, caring adults and citizens of their society from the people who are most intensely involved with them, parenting is the most important and challenging job any of us can have; yet, it receives little support or recognition in our society. There is very little formal training for this task and parents are often isolated and without adequate support networks. The programs at Parwarish Institute of Parenting address these needs of parents in 21st Century.
People often wonder why parents attend parenting education classes. Isn’t good parenting innate? Studies have shown that in fact most parents can benefit from some guidance in order to do the best job they can in raising their children.
Laurence Steinberg in his book, Beyond the Classroom, states and research confirms that children raised in supportive, warm, affectionate homes in which there are clear and consistently reinforced rules are less likely to engage in at-risk behavior and are more likely to be successful.